Saturday, December 23, 2006

Brain Farts

Yes, I had one... I came back home and thought that I packed everything. What did I forget? My camera, of course. I get to see my best friends like once every 4 months, and now that I'm here, I don't have my camera... I win at life.


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Countdown

Well, it is now officially less than a week before I'm off to Europe again!!
This thursday I'm flying to LA for Christmas, which will be spent in San Diego actually. And then ON Christmas day, I fly back to San Francisco to fly out to London on the 26th... The next week and a half will include A LOT of flying.

And just like that, I leave you with some:

Friday, December 15, 2006

SF Photo Blog

Since I've started working on Photoshop again, I decided to start my own photo blog. Check it out for the latest images I've been working on... They're nothing to brag about, but hey, we all gotta start somewhere.

I would love some feedback from you guys, especially the negative, so I can improve.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Resurfaced Obsession: Photoshop

I've rediscovered Photoshop... again. I go through these phases with Photoshop and end up finguring out how to do some neat things, then I drop it, forget everything, and have to relearn it all a year later... I did worked on these photos yesterday and today that I took a while back, check it:

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


So last night with my roommates and neighbors we went to a bar called Bourbon and Branch, an old speak-easy bar from the prohibition times. It's a SUPER classy bar that is SUPER expensive. You have to make reservations and have a password to get in.... and when you sit down they give you a menu with only drinks.

There were so many that I had never heard of, that I just picked something that I hadn't tried, and that no one else in my group picked cause we all wanted to try something different....
When we were all ordering, one of the girls ordered a Blood and Sand, which is what I wanted... so I quickly thought of something else to order... the first thing that came to mind was something that I had just read in the menu... Johnny Walker. The waitress asked me if I wanted Black, Gold, or Blue, and how I wanted it... I just said "blue, straight up please."

Once the drinks were brought to us, I was pretty shocked to find out that mine was basically a shot. I had never ordered Johnny Walker before, so I had no idea... I also had no idea that the label I just ordered, blue, was the most expensive at $28.... The single most expensive shot, and drink, I have ever ordered.

My tab was $45 for 3 drinks. It should have been a little more than that, probably around the $55 range, but we all just split the bill evenly.

over and out (of ca$h)

Monday, December 04, 2006

Update V1.6

I bought a $25 t-shirt with Mothra on it, and it says in big font "ATTACK!"... the coolest thing about it is that it's 3D, and it comes with 3D glasses... you know, like the ones that you go see movies with? yeah, it pretty much rocks anyone's socks off.

I've been typing away at all these papers I have due this week... finally some progress. The most important one for my media research class, I didn't put that much effort in it. I hate writing reasearch papers. Sad thing is I picked the topic on what to write about...

ALSO, only 20 days till I'm OUT of this country for a few weeks... just the break I need if you ask me. These past 2 months have been filled with drama fo' yo' mama... most of my own doing of course.
Oh, and I saw a video of a kitten on LSD... pretty disturbing...

OOOHHH!!! and I saw THIS movie last night:

Currently listening to: Owen, I Do Perceive
Current Weather Conditions: 49F, 10C, full moon, clear skies

Saturday, December 02, 2006

This Gets To Me

I HATE library catalogs... I HATE THEM. Especially school library catalogs that have multiple databases. They are the most confusing thing to have ever been created. It's like you need a fucking master's degree in library studies just to be able to browse them and find out what they have. FDJLKH(IU*#*!!!!!

I'm writing this long ass essay right now. I only have 4 sources, and I need at least 10. It's due on Tuesday... how tha hell am I gonna find 6 sources in such little time!!??