Monday, May 21, 2007

Road Kill

I was driving back from the Bjork concert on Saturday with some friends, and the 101 freeway was all backed up. Finally we saw that it was an accident ahead. When we drove by it, we saw a fire truck parked trying to cover up body parts all over the road, and there were a couple of police officers with huge zip-lock back-like bags filled with chunks and blood.

There were three body bags on the road... it was terrible.

One of the more disgusting thins I've seen.
There was also a car a bit smashed up, but I just couldn't figure out how three people got that messed up if the car was not that bad at all... maybe they weren't wearing their seatbelts? They were probably driving back from the concert...

Friday, May 04, 2007

renting, moving, crap, etc etb dkuwu2E@!!!!!!!

Today was a full day of looking at new places. It seems like every time we find the perfect place to move into, everything gets ruined because we're students, and they don't trust that we can make rent every month....