Saturday, June 23, 2007

More Randomness

So now I'm having to RE-rate ALL of my songs on iTunes.... I'm talkin' years of work all down the drain cause I decided to re-install OS X. ANYWAY.....

I'm THIS close to getting the job at Apple... I'm just having to fill out all these background check forms, etc. Man I really hope I get that. Discounts... maybe even a free iPod, the nectar of the Gods.

Anyway, been messing with Photoshop a lot more lately, check out my latest: Robot Forest
Besides that, just lookin' forward to Tuesday... if you know me, then you know why!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Recent Things

So here is a list of the recent things I've come to really like in the past week or so:

[1] DataRock
[2] The new Interpol album
[3] Aussies
[4] Home-made breakfast burritos (incl. Monterey Jack, 2 scrambled eggs, a little mexican salsa)
[5] Drinking during the day

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My Birth Day

So OK. The day started out slow, and actually quite nice. I got some "happy birthday" wishes from a lot of friends and family and it was great... but THEN I got into this long discussion/argument with my mom and it kinda killed my mood a bit... I mean, it didn't really ruin anything, and it was a discussion that we've had several times. But having it come up again on this day, and taking it to new levels was less than perfect...

Today I'm gonna drink, play risk with my roommates, and then go see Data Rock later on. And I think they might be planning something for me because I just caught them being all secretive.

I just don't feel like it's my birthday... the day is extremely average, and that kinda sucks. It's all good though because we're supposed to be throwing a housewarming party soon, so we'll make that 50% housewarming and 50% bday celebration.

Here's to 24.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Old friends, Television, and moving.

So I got back in touch with a couple of friends from Argentina that I haven't spoken to in.... well... 10 YEARS!!! These guys were my best friends when I was little, but once I moved to LA I lost contact with most (if not all) of them. I'm going back to Argentina this winter so it's cool, and it's actually funny how fast news travels, cause a lot of these friends that I haven't even talked to in forever already know that I'm coming back cause they heard the news through the grape vine...


Today I started my internship at KTVU, the FOX affiliate... I'm not so stoked about the fact that it's Fox, but I get to do some cool stuff. Today I made some copies of TV shows that are premiering this fall, and I made a copy for myself :)
I'll also get to shadow the editors for the news, and work with Avid some times, so I'm really excited about getting my hands dirty with some professional equipment.


The moving is pretty much done. All our stuff is here at the new place, but now we have to actually arrange everything. The thing that sucks is that there's construction going on for some leaks in the wall, so for the next week we have to keep our things 6 feet from the wall so that the workers can do their thing..... that SUCKS cause it means we can't set up for a while, and we just want to be done with it.

- that is all....

Friday, June 01, 2007

The Finishing Touches

So moving is pretty much done! Now all we have to finish is organizing all the stuff in the loft. The place is comparable in size, but it's laid out so differently that it's gonna be tricky.
My room is also much smaller, but I feel like now the space is manageable.

Today the cable guy is coming to hook up our internet, and our cable... for an extra $20 a month on top of our internet, Abe got us a phone line and cable (including free HBO). I end up paying the same though, cause Abe needs a phone line for his business, so I end up scoring.

PS - can the new iMacs come out already so I can sell mine off and get one?